Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weekend is coming to end... for a lot of you but for the unemployed, like myself, it's always the weekend! I know I said I would try to sleep earlier but it's hard to break a bad habit. It's 1:34AM right now and I am a little tired but not tired enough to fall asleep. Maybe I should go lie down after I post and see I can fall asleep... if I don't turn on the tv that is.

Why is Lady Gaga so weird? I recently saw her new music video again, Bad Romance and she has got to be one of the strangest celebrity I know. I saw in the news last week how she met the queen of england and you would think she would dress more appropriately but nope, same crazy style but I suppose it was toned down but still crazy to the everyday, normal person and especially to the queen. Someone interviewed her afterward and she said her strange image she puts out isn't just for show but that's actually her lifestyle. So she dresses like that ALL THE TIME? That's hard to believe... but maybe she does. She will always be a strange character to my eyes... but her songs are catchy though! I had Bad Romance stuck in my head today cause my friends were singing it and doing the motions at the pub... and I caught myself whistling the tune while I was eating my nachos and drink my beer... damn you lady gaga and your catchy songs!

A thought to think about! Are weekends all day Saturday and Sunday or Friday night and all day Saturday? Cause do people go out on Sunday nights? Or is a weekend actually just all day Saturday?

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