Saturday, December 12, 2009

Today has definitely been a lazy day for sure. Slept in until, I think, 1... yeah I slept at. A lot of tv watching. Some reading. Some eating. Ah I feel a little dizzy... maybe I need some fresh air. I think the only productive thing I did today was read my book. Oh what a good book... don't know if it's a good book cause I haven't read a lot of books or cause it's actually a good book. Well doesn't matter what people think cause I like the book. :)

So I have no idea where my skates are... that's a trouble if i I want to go hit the rinks during the week. Hrmm... they can't be lost cause I remember they were in my room last year but definitely not in my room now. I'd rent skates but nah... not sure if I trust those rental skates. I'm sure they are clean but still don't trust them. It's bowling shoes... yeah they spray them down after you drop them off but what do the sprays actually do? Make them smell clean? Actual bacteria disinfecting? I'll never know unless I get a job at the local bowlerama.

So I've been looking up and listening to some music and I thought I'd share some on here. My ears enjoy a wide variety of music so in terms of genre... I'm everywhere. I've been listening to a UK dj/producer, Janette Slack. Don't know if she is that well known around the world but I really like her music that I could find online. And if you don't already know... I have a thing for female dj's ;) haha. I think it'd be pretty cool to go out with a dj... I enjoy music and I don't know something about a female dj is pretty hot. But I know there are a lot of hot female djs that suck and they're only popular because of their looks and not their talent... those djs don't really do it for me. Janette Slack, from what I've read about her seems really true to her music and djing and sounds like she really has a passion for it. Wish I was in the UK to see her perform live, that would be pretty cool.

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