Monday, December 7, 2009

I once again find myself not tired and this time the clock reads 2:39AM. I thought my nocturnal habits were being broken but I guess I was wrong. BUT I guess taking a nap at 6 and waking up at 10 doesn't help my cause... damn! Why did I have to fall asleep watching Planet Earth on tv? No I don't find it boring at all... it actually keeps me interested. Maybe it's cause I was laying down on the couch in my pj's... that's gotta be why!

So here I am blogging about nothing as per usual. Maybe I'll change the direction of my blog. Instead of trying to make money through blogging (don't even know if that's possible) I'll just blog about whats happening in my life... I can blog about my adventures of unemployment or blog about my random thoughts or just blog about anything and everything.

Oh man... I have a feeling I'll end up staying up tonight. That can't be good. I'm not even in school anymore! I really need to find a job... any job.


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