Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 5 - Continued... Still Awake...

So I got the computer to run... but still not 100% ready. Argh, it's 2:08AM and I'm STILL up! What am I gonna do with myself... I guess I should look for jobs that require me to do graveyard hours, I'll fit right in!

Oh speaking of jobs... I'm still unemployed! What am I doing wrong? If there are any nice people out there who would like to donate some money, any money or donate anything to me, please do. I have to start paying off my student loans and bills and my daily living expenses... if anyone is out there who lives in Toronto and is looking to hire someone, I'M YOUR PERSON!

OK I don't know when I'm going to sleep cause who knows when this computer mess will get sorted out but I hope it's soon!

Until tomorrow... don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

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