Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 2 - TGIF

Thank goodness its Friday! ... well not like the week leading up to Friday was tough or anything... still good to know its the weekend and have some hope that I might be able to spend some time with my friends. Weekends are my only chances of getting out the house and hang out with friends and what not... but that's also a 50/50 hit or miss.

So I checked and there's 12 his on my blog... some might say "Nice!" but after finding out all 12 hits might actually come from me... how sad is that, right? I guess i was checking if anyone actually commented something... I guess it'll take time to build up my blog army of followers although I highly doubt that will happen. My blog isn't anything special... I guess you could say its just me thinking out loud and writing it out. I'll try to make it fun and exciting but hold those stones before you start throwing them cause I'm not going to promise anything. :P

Back to the purpose of this blog... well one of the purposes. Its to see if I can raise/collect money from people who will eventually read and follow my blog. I am a recent grad of the post secondary education system here in Ontario, Canada. For those who might not know... CANADA is the country NORTH of the great United States of America and ONTARIO is one of its provinces... yes provinces NOT states. How was that for a geography lesson for ya? Anyways so after graduating I realized that I have this amazing thing called student loans to pay back! While worrying about paying back my student loans, the next step to take is to find a full time job... I mean I did just graduate and there must be places that will hire me. I thought that was the case but its been few months of nonstop applying and endless phone interviews and face-to-face interviews and still nothing.

That is why I'm here. I'm in the midst of looking for a part time job while I land myself a full time job to jump start my career but in the mean time while I have no job... thought I could use my creative ideas for my benefit. Even if I get a penny from people... and if lets say 100 people read my blog and decide to send me a penny by whatever means... haven't decided on that yet... I'd have 100 pennies which equals $1.00! How amazing is that?! (if my math is messed up, which i doubt, please let me so I don't feel like an ass to the whole world, thanks! :P)

Anyways, I think the first week of blogs will be boring until I find things to write about. What would you people out there in the land of the world wide web want to read about? Let me know in my comments and I'll try my best to write about them... but I'm not making any promises.

So until next time... don't be a stranger and write me some comments!

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