Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 2 - Continued

I'm checking my blog and I see the view count of my blog increasing. I don't know if you guys are actually reading or passing by... I like to think people are reading but who knows. If anyone does read whatever I write, it'd be nice to read some comments. Again I know I just started and it'll take some time to build my blog army of followers but I gotta start somewhere.

So I'm watching a re-run of WEC (world extreme cagefightering) on TSN and I've often thought about entering a cage and fighting someone. I wonder how that would feel... all the excitement, the fans, and the rush! Although I probably won't last very long... or I might... I like to think I'll come out victorious after 3 rounds of 5 minutes each. AND... hrmmm... I could probably make enough money to pay off my student loans, even if I win or lose. But is my health more important than paying off my student loans or is paying off my student loans more important than my health and body? I think that's a no brainer... my student loans of course! Haha just kidding everyone, my health and body is more important of course! 

Again... don't be a stranger and leave a comment or two.

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