Thursday, December 17, 2009

T-Minus 32 Days - House Hunting

I'm debating if I should continue on with labeling my post Day whatever. Since I found a job I don't need to count the days anymore... although I should probably count the days until my first day of work, Jan. 18th...

Today was pretty much a day dedicated to finding a place for me to live for the next year or possibly more. There are a lot of good places that are out there, I think, but some don't have a lot of pictures to base my conclusions on. I guess I won't really know until I get there to see it for myself. Rent doesn't seem TOO bad... I could find a 1 bedroom apartment for as low as $600 and as high as $1000. I don't really care if I live in a fancy place or not... as long as I get a clean place and hopefully somewhere close to the hospital. I've been finding good apartments in the $600 - $700 range so I'll keep those bookmarked for future references.

My mom's been... how do I put this without sounding terrible... she's been very proactive to this whole me moving away thing. She's been telling me all these information and facts about Grande Prairie that she's researched... I guess she's really excited for me but sometimes it gets pretty annoying. I think I'm the type of person who likes to do thinks my way, guess I'm pretty stubborn about some things in my life and I think packing is one of those areas. I don't really like people telling me what to pack or how to pack my stuff and my mom's been starting to do that. I'm trying to have a good attitude towards it but sometimes it seems like she is taking all the excitement out of it... it doesn't feel like I'M moving but rather it feels like SHE is the moving.

I know she is doing all this in good spirits and cause she loves me and wants the best for me but I'm not 10 years old anymore. I think she... and my dad forget that sometimes. I think this change of environment will be good for me and for my parents. I'll get to grow as a person, mature and experience life and it'll give my parents the chance to finally realize that I'm not a little boy anymore and maybe.... really hoping that they'll start treating me like an adult who can make his own decisions.

A friend asked me how to leave comments... I think it's pretty simple... just click on the "comment" link at the end of my posts. If you have a google account like gmail, I think it might tell you to log in to post your comment but not sure cause I haven't left comments before. So you know who you are! Tell me if it works or not.

Don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. sooo FRIEND is leaving a msg because I finally have a google account :P
    My mom is the SAME way about everything and I'm not going anywhere! lol.
    My rationale is that if she wasn't like this before, then she probably wants to do all the "mommy" stuff she can before you go!
