Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 5 - F'ing Computers!

So I don't think I'll be getting to sleep by 12 tonight... so happens my parents computer (switch happens to be my old computer before I got my laptop) decided to all of sudden stop working. So I've been trying to get it to work for the last... oh I don't know... 2 hours or so and still nothing. But I have some tricks up my sleeves so hopefully I can get it fixed before I head to bed tonight and just in time for my mom to enjoy reading Korean news and what other gossipy things she decides to look up. My mom believes that everything she reads online is real... which is kind of funny and annoying at the same time cause she'd come up with these crazy health improving things that make no sense to me and when I ask her where she heard it from... the internet... I just laugh and say how silly she is. I have to constantly remind her that not everything she reads online is real... when will she ever learn... at least she's not those type of people who can't even start up a computer. So I'm glad that she can start the computer, browse the web and send/receive emails.

So today was a very productive day in terms of my reading. I read a lot of my book, The Lost Symbol. I wasn't a fan of reading growing up cause every time I'd start a book I would always feel tired and end up falling asleep. Maybe it was cause I read books that were boring or whatever but I never became a fan of reading. But now I'm starting to enjoy reading... its opening up a huge part of my imagination, which is pretty cool. As I'm reading The Lost Symbol, I can picture whats happening in my mind like a movie... what would be crazy is if they do make a movie and the movie was just like the way I pictured it in my mind.

Anyways I'll blog more when I finish fixing up the computer.

It's 11:48PM... don't think I'll be in bed by 12... darn!

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