Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 10 - Continued

I was thinking... the purpose of this blog was for me to blog about my never unending search for full-time employment and I've just been blogging about what I do everyday during my free time. There's nothing wrong with that cause those are my adventures that I have while I'm looking for work but I haven't really mentioned my job hunt in awhile.

So to keep people updated, here it goes.

After my weekend trip to Ottawa that consisted of an interview at the Royal Ottawa and a mini vacation to Ottawa to visit my brother and sister in-law. To follow up on the interview that happened... well not much to follow up on cause they haven't called me back and I doubt they will. The interview was, I think, one of my worst interviews I've done. I stumbled on things I should have known from school and yeah... it was just a long interview; an hour and a half process, 3 pages of questions, with two managers interviewing me. I was totally exhausted by the end and I knew as soon as I left the hospital that I wasn't going to get a call back.

Fortunately, I had scheduled a phone interview for the Monday when I came back with a hospital in Grand Prairie, Alberta. I think that had to be one of my best interviews I have had in awhile. Interview went well and things were looking pretty good at the moment. Recently I get an email back saying they could only get in touch with one of my references but thankfully they got hold of one more later in the day (not sure what happened to my last reference... she kind of disappeared). So while I was skating today I missed a call from them and in the voice message it seemed like more good news were coming my way. I called back but I guess I didn't realize the time difference, I think they are two hours behind. So I won't know if more good news will be coming by way or just more bad news that will be added to my rejection pile. I have my fingers crossed and it'd be pretty cool to get this job... it's just for a mat. leave coverage so I'll be back in an year and would come back with lots of experience.

However, I did apply to CAMH earlier in the week and I would take that job over the Grand Prairie job cause I'd prefer to stay in Toronto and my dream job is to work at CAMH. Even though I applied to a unit I want, Geriatric Mental Health, my thought is to get hired and just work myself up or around until I find myself working in the Schizophrenia Unit. Hopefully they call me for an interview next week or so... I really want that job!

So that's a pretty detailed, I think, update of my unemployment situation. If anyone one wants to still donate any money, even pennies to me, leave a comment and let me know. So don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

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