Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 6 - First Snow Storm!

So I ended up sleeping at 4AM last night! :( Darn computer wouldn't cooperate with me... took so long to do everything. I was thinking just getting my parents a nice new cheap computer... anything is better than the one they are using now. It was my old computer I built myself when I was in high school so that's like 6 - 7 years ago. It's still functioning but so slow compared to today's standards... with computers having 2+ gigs of ram, dual core processors, 1tb hard drives.... crazy computers these days. But I want a new computer, a new project. I was looking up parts to buy and such... I'm a total nerd! :P

So we got hit with our first snow storm of the year and I LOVE IT! It's good to see everything covered in white snow, feels refreshing! I know, I know... white snow turns into black slush but c'mon, it's winter, what did you expect? :P So after sleeping only 4-5 hours, my parents wake me up to help them clear the garage so we can park the car inside during the winter. I just wanted to be left alone in bed... but as any good child would do, I helped out and now the car is parked inside, dry and warm... kinda warm and out of the elements.

Now the computer is all fixed, car is in the garage and it's back to my normal day. Maybe tonight I will get to sleep at 12 instead of the ridiculous hours I've gotten so used to.

If anyone in the Thornhill area needs someone to shovel their driveway, LET ME KNOW! I love to shovel snow, I really do and I won't charge a lot... $20 a driveway? Does that sound too cheap? Too expensive? I don't know but I think it sounds like a good deal, $20. So LET ME KNOW, please.

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