Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 10 - Oy, Me Feet!

Today must have been one of my productive days... kinda of. So if anyone reads my blog I said I was sleeping early last night it so happened that was was false. I was watching Monday Night Football and fell asleep cause I guess I was tired (don' know from what) but I fell asleep. I woke up at 4 quarter and decided I'm just gonna go to sleep so I blogged a short one and went to bed but I think blogging was a bad idea cause I couldn't fall back to sleep after that. Blogs are evil! (Don't shut me down!)

Anyways I found my skates yesterday and today I decided to go skating! Found a community centre near by which offers leisure skates on Tuesday 4PM - 6PM. Went at 4 and skated for around an hour and a half... it was nice to do something besides sit on my ass at home. Although my feet are sore right cause I haven't skated in ages... hopefully I'll get used to my skates again soon. AND I have to get the blades sharpened! Skating on dull blades isn't the greatest idea, let me tell you. Luckily I only fell once... I was doing a circle and I guess one of my blades caught something and down I went, TIMBER!

Now I know what I'm doing on my Tuesday early evenings, skating! I'm gonna try to make it downtown at Harbourfront or even to Mel Lastman Centre one of these days, they're open 10AM - 10PM.

If anyone wants to tell me their skating experiences, don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

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