Thursday, December 31, 2009

T-Minus 18 Days - HAPP NEW YEARS!

So long 2009, HELLO 2010!

I was talking to the person cutting my hair and we were talking about how people will call the year 2010. We called the year 2009, 09... so will we call the year 2010, 10? LOL That just sounds silly.

"Hey what year is it?"
"You mean 20-10?"

20-10 rolls off the tongue and sounds pretty good.

So I'm hear sitting in my basement room on new years eve with no plans. I'm just watching the world jr. canada vs usa game. It's a pretty good game so far but its 3-2 usa, end of the 2nd period... damn those two short handed goals! C'mon guys, stop giving the puck away, especially when you're on the powerplay!

Hopefully canada wins so my boring ass new years eve sees SOME excitement!

Party hard and drink lots, everyone but don't drink and drive please. FREE ttc tonight so take advantage of it!

Happy New Years and I'll see you guys in the new year, in 20-10!

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