Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 8 - Hello Weekend!

I totally forgot to blog today until a fellow night owl friend reminded me how my blog was going. Thanks! I owe you!... is mentioning you on my blog good enough? :P She asked me how my going to bed at 12 was going and obviously it's not going so well since its 1:24AM and I'm still up blogging and chatting on msn. I guess I was meant to be a night owl. Although I DID sleep at 12 couple nights ago... so I was successful for a night! :) Staying up reminds me when I was back in school cramming for an exam or starting an essay that was due the next day... oh how I don't miss those days.

Although I do miss living alone... alone as in away from home... I had housemates throughout my 3 years and they all sucked! I counted and I went through 9 different housemates in 3 years and they were all a bunch of of asses. None of them cleaned up after themselves, never took out the garbage and just plain old nasty farts. But I do have to say one or two of them weren't bad to live with but still. I had these brothers my first year there and they would smoke up in their rooms together and come out snacking on their munchies... it was like clock work. Same time everyday. But they were nice housemates I have to say. Oh man! My last year there was this one guy... DAMN! I can't even describe the smell... I really can't. I wish I could so you could suffer with me but there's not a word to describe the odor. For the 8 months we lived together, I never saw him shower and maybe changed his clothes once or twice, MAYBE! And I had the pleasure of having the room next to his. Me and other other guys would spray air fresheners in front of his room and around the entire apartment but nothing worked. I don't know how many bottles of air fresheners each of us went through. Pretty damn expensive living with a smelly dude!

I got thinking... it is winter so why don't I go skating during the day when I have nothing to do! It never crossed my mind until someone said they were going skating with their family. Skating is free, it gets me fresh air and maybe I'll meet people. I think it's a good idea. I can go skating, go to a coffee shop afterward and read my book and after that come back home. That's gotta be at least... hrmm... few hours?? Maybe more? I'll have to give it a try next week for sure.... ah crap! Gotta find my skates first! Gotta do that this weekend... my skate blades are probably all rusted over again... ah well!

Anyways... if anyone is out there reading this (and no not you!... you know who you are!) don't be a stranger and leave something. Again my purpose of this blog was to collect donations of all sorts, mainly money but I'll take what you got... just let me know beforehand.

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