Thursday, December 31, 2009

Oh Canada!

It feels good to win a hockey game... I feel so patriotic. It was a good game, it had everything you could want from a hockey game. Too bad this wasn't for the gold medal but still feels good to beat the rivals south of the border. Now if we can do the same with our olympic team this winter all will be good. 

So I'm just blasting my speakers, enjoying some bbc radio 1... all the way from the UK! They have good music over there... good thing for the internet I can listen to it as well! Woohoo! I guess this new years eve will be me and my music... again. When will I get to experience new years eve doing something fun and exciting? I really want to go to NYC even though I know it will be PACKED! I think it'll be a good experience... or even to spend nye somewhere beside my basement room with my own "party" happening.

I guess I will have to wait another year to see if anything will change. I'm just happy canada won tonight!

T-Minus 18 Days - HAPP NEW YEARS!

So long 2009, HELLO 2010!

I was talking to the person cutting my hair and we were talking about how people will call the year 2010. We called the year 2009, 09... so will we call the year 2010, 10? LOL That just sounds silly.

"Hey what year is it?"
"You mean 20-10?"

20-10 rolls off the tongue and sounds pretty good.

So I'm hear sitting in my basement room on new years eve with no plans. I'm just watching the world jr. canada vs usa game. It's a pretty good game so far but its 3-2 usa, end of the 2nd period... damn those two short handed goals! C'mon guys, stop giving the puck away, especially when you're on the powerplay!

Hopefully canada wins so my boring ass new years eve sees SOME excitement!

Party hard and drink lots, everyone but don't drink and drive please. FREE ttc tonight so take advantage of it!

Happy New Years and I'll see you guys in the new year, in 20-10!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

T-Minus 19 Days - Overdue Update


Hope everyone had a good christmas and is looking forward to new years eve and the new year! I've been away from my blog for awhile now, sorry everyone but haven't had much time to blog. When I did have time I was too tired to turn on my computer and blog. I've been trying to meet up with a lot of people before I head west. I have all these dates and schedules in my head... if I forget to meet any of you, I'm sorry! haha

Well my christmas wasn't anything special. I went to morning service with my parents, brother and sister in-law and went to dim sum afterward. After that... I just did nothing at home. It was a pretty boring christmas, I think. But that is ok! I got to spend it with family so that's all that matters, right? Although I was a little sad I didn't get to have a turkey dinner... Mmm I love turkey dinners! The (s)mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn, warm bread, gravy, stuffing, turkey... did I forget anything?

So to update you guys on my moving situation... I was stressed out couple days ago cause I couldn't raise my credit limit cause I didn't officially start my job and I guess the credit card people were scared I wouldn't have money to pay them back. My limit right now won't let me purchase airfare or pay for my hotel when I get to grande prairie. Luckily I applied online (cause people on the phone are useless) and I got a raise to my credit. I was SO relieved to see it when I checked... SO SO relieved. I didn't want to ask my dad or my brother cause I know I've asked them for a lot during school (to pay for rent and tuition when I needed help with them). Also cause I had to figure out dates to go out west... if I wanted to go and stay there or go and come back for a wedding and go back for good the sunday before I start. After much thought and many pimples on my face from stress (HAHA) I came to the conclusion to head out west on jan 11... stay there for few days (depending on how fast or slow I can find an apt), come back for the wedding and go back for good on jan 17. I already got my airfare for the 11th so things are moving according to my plan. I just have to figure out how much it costs to move my furniture from toronto to grande prairie. I emailed the moving people and just waiting for them contact me with an estimate. Hope it doesn't cost TOO much.

I only have two weeks left until I make my first trip to the west... it's coming up SO soon. I look forward to it though. I'm excited and nervous at the same time... I'm excited for whats to come in the new year but at the same time nervous cause I'm basically starting my independence. I know I can do it, but just the fact that I'm finally moving out... pretty crazy stuff, ya know??

I'll try to update more often... everyday like I used to. If I don't, that just means I'm busy meeting people and/or losing my mind trying to figure out my move to grande prairie. So don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Friday, December 25, 2009


I've been slacking on my blog the past couple of days. I've been so tired seeing friends and hanging out with them while I can. Most are going on vacation after Christmas and won't be back until the new year so gotta see them while they are still here. I've been eating lots though because of it. Eating lots of good food and drinking good beer.

Anyways, I gotta head to church for Christmas morning service now. I'll try to blog about the past couple of days when I get. I don't have much planned today anyways, just service and dim sum lunch and that's about it. What else can you do on Christmas day... not much but stay home and I guess watching a movie. OH! Speaking of movies... I saw Avatar in 3D the other day. It was was alright, good graphics and action sense but the storyline... and the quality of acting... I laughed at some parts, that's all I gotta say.

Gotta head out, merry christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

T-Minus 27 Days - Nothing New

Nothing new today.... I have a packed day or I hope to have a packed and productive day tomorrow. I want get my police check done with, call out west for housing and the hospital to confirm some things, maybe get a haircut, going to MEC to look for mittens and going to see avatar later in the evening.

So I'll have more to blog about tomorrow for sure... if I get all that done tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

That being said I'm going to try to sleep early tonight so I can have a full day to be productive. Hopefully I can fall asleep.

Come back tomorrow to read about my productive (hopefully) day. Until tomorrow, don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Monday, December 21, 2009

T-Minus 28 Days - In A Pickle

So I'm in a constant fight with myself if I should go back and forth to Grande Prairie to find a place and come back to Toronto to attend my friend's buddy's wedding (which is on a saturday) and fly back to Grande Prairie the next day to start work on monday. (that was one long sentence) I don't know what to do. I've been thinking about it for a long time, ever since I accept the job offer. After I hung up the phone after accepting I realized that I had a wedding to go to very close to my start date. I've talked to my parents about it and they told me to not to go to the wedding and I've talked to couple of friends and they say the same thing but I've been looking forward to this wedding. I've known him for a long time and he is one of my close buddy's brother. As of now... I'm not planning on attending the wedding but my mind might change a lot throughout the week. Damn!

I've been looking at airfare and I think I should make a decision soon on my date of departure. The days that I'm here are getting shorter and shorter. I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss it here in Toronto... but I know this move will be good for me.

I have a feeling I'm repeating a lot of things on my postings. I really have to stop blogging late at night. I'm gonna lose all my readers/followers.... uh not like I have any. The only follower of my blog is... ME! LOL Guess I should advertise this on facebook and twitter... gotta get my blog out there. Make it popular and maybe it can be turned into a movie... I wish!

Until tomorrow... don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I was too tired to blog yesterday after sleeping at 4AM and waking up at 6:30, playing basketball at 9:30, took a nap for two hours and went to a house warming loft party later in the day. Overall it was a very fun yet tiring day. It was good to play basketball, getting on the court and playing the sport I love playing. Even though the gym was freezing cold and slippery as ice... it was still fun. I hope I'm not getting sick from it though... I better not get sick before I head out west.

The house warming loft party was a blast. Lots of people (even though I didn't most of them), music was great (my friend and his friend's friend were dj-ing), good drinks (the adult kind) and just a very atmosphere. We ended up staying until everyone pretty much left and that was around 3:30-4 and afterward went for pho in chinatown. Got home around 5 and passed out from shear exhaustion. But it was worth every bit of being tired... if that makes sense.

Today was a normal sunday; went to church at 12, went out with friends for food and came home to watch football. San Diego Chargers, WHAT?! lol I realized more and more as the days go by how much I will miss my friends here. Having dinner with them today and just talking at starbucks made me realized that I won't have those moments again for awhile when I'm in Grande Prairie. But I have hopeful that I will make new friends and I hope to share quality time talking and bonding with them in the new home.

It's pretty scary how time is moving so fast these days... less than a month left until I longer can call myself a resident of Thornhill, Ontario but a resident of Grande Prairie, Alberta. I think this move will be good for me. It'll be good for me personally to grow and mature as a person and as an adult. I feel trapped at home right now cause I feel like I'm being treated like a 10 year old and not feeling like I'm getting treated like an adult who can make his own decisions. I think this move will help me move away from my comfort zone and will let me be more open and willing to try new things. I will have to or else I will end up doing nothing during my free times and end up deteriorating personally.

I can't seem to organize my thoughts right now so I'll leave it at that for this entry.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's 3:49AM according to my iPod touch as I write this latest blog entry. I find myself not able to fall asleep. Maybe it's because I'm so excited about my big move to Grande Prairie or maybe it's because I'm actually, infact sad to leave this city I have come to love and call home for the past 10+ years of my life.

I know I will come back to this city but the excitement of starting a new chapter if my life is overwhelming. However I also know that I will miss my friends and family during the times when I won't be working. I guess I can't run away from that feeling of home sickness.

Haha as I blog on my iPod touch in my bed at now 3:57AM, I realize I'm writing pretty heavy stuff here. In the words of Marty McFly, "That's heavy, Doc!" So if that quote in mind I'm going to end this entry and try to get some shut eye.

So don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch

Friday, December 18, 2009

T-Minus 31 Days - Relocation Assistance

I check my email today and to my surprise Christmas came early for me again. Not only did they hire me but they will reimburse me for my move out west. I am so thankful that I found a place like this, a place that will take care of their employees. I'm SO thankful! So now since my expenses for my move is covered, I have to set a date to go to Grande Prairie to do some house hunting,come back home to attend a wedding and after the wedding, head back to Grande Prairie for good, for at least an year.

There is a month left before I leave and I'm trying to plan and schedule my time evenly so that I get to see my friends before I leave and to spend time with my family. I was never a person to organize my own birthday parties or what not.... and this won't be any different. I'll just go out for wings and beer with my buddies and just chill for the last time, until I come back home. I've started to make plans to see people individually so if you want a time with me, ask me now so we can hang out before I head out west.

Today's post is going to be short... I had things to blog about but can't think of them now. I'll have to start blogging right away when things come up so I don't forget. So don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

T-Minus 32 Days - House Hunting

I'm debating if I should continue on with labeling my post Day whatever. Since I found a job I don't need to count the days anymore... although I should probably count the days until my first day of work, Jan. 18th...

Today was pretty much a day dedicated to finding a place for me to live for the next year or possibly more. There are a lot of good places that are out there, I think, but some don't have a lot of pictures to base my conclusions on. I guess I won't really know until I get there to see it for myself. Rent doesn't seem TOO bad... I could find a 1 bedroom apartment for as low as $600 and as high as $1000. I don't really care if I live in a fancy place or not... as long as I get a clean place and hopefully somewhere close to the hospital. I've been finding good apartments in the $600 - $700 range so I'll keep those bookmarked for future references.

My mom's been... how do I put this without sounding terrible... she's been very proactive to this whole me moving away thing. She's been telling me all these information and facts about Grande Prairie that she's researched... I guess she's really excited for me but sometimes it gets pretty annoying. I think I'm the type of person who likes to do thinks my way, guess I'm pretty stubborn about some things in my life and I think packing is one of those areas. I don't really like people telling me what to pack or how to pack my stuff and my mom's been starting to do that. I'm trying to have a good attitude towards it but sometimes it seems like she is taking all the excitement out of it... it doesn't feel like I'M moving but rather it feels like SHE is the moving.

I know she is doing all this in good spirits and cause she loves me and wants the best for me but I'm not 10 years old anymore. I think she... and my dad forget that sometimes. I think this change of environment will be good for me and for my parents. I'll get to grow as a person, mature and experience life and it'll give my parents the chance to finally realize that I'm not a little boy anymore and maybe.... really hoping that they'll start treating me like an adult who can make his own decisions.

A friend asked me how to leave comments... I think it's pretty simple... just click on the "comment" link at the end of my posts. If you have a google account like gmail, I think it might tell you to log in to post your comment but not sure cause I haven't left comments before. So you know who you are! Tell me if it works or not.

Don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 11 - Alberta Bound

To continue off from what I wrote last night... I called Grand Prairie again and they offered me a position and I took it! So my short but frustrating journey to find a job has ended and I can't be happier. Although I'd prefer to stay in Toronto and work at CAMH, that opportunity will come again, I'm sure but this one might not. And besides this will be like vacation, I've never been to Grand Prairie and I don't know anyone there so it should be an adventure.

I start January 18, 2010 so I'll probably be there a week or half a week before that day to settle in and what not. They said they'd help me find temp. housing until I can find something. I'll be proactive and look for something here so when I get there, I won't have to stay at the temp. housing for long.

I don't think my plan for raising money is necessary anymore cause I'll be making money, more than I would have imagined so... I would thank people for donating but since no one has... I'll just thank the people who, I hope, dropped by and read my blog and at least thought about donating a penny to my cause. So THANK YOU!

No this blog won't be shut down, I'll have more than enough things to talk about.... the one month I have left in Toronto, my transition to Grand Prairie, my work, my life in Grand Prairie. So this blog will be the place to be if you want to know about my new life in Grand Prairie in 2010.

Don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 10 - Continued

I was thinking... the purpose of this blog was for me to blog about my never unending search for full-time employment and I've just been blogging about what I do everyday during my free time. There's nothing wrong with that cause those are my adventures that I have while I'm looking for work but I haven't really mentioned my job hunt in awhile.

So to keep people updated, here it goes.

After my weekend trip to Ottawa that consisted of an interview at the Royal Ottawa and a mini vacation to Ottawa to visit my brother and sister in-law. To follow up on the interview that happened... well not much to follow up on cause they haven't called me back and I doubt they will. The interview was, I think, one of my worst interviews I've done. I stumbled on things I should have known from school and yeah... it was just a long interview; an hour and a half process, 3 pages of questions, with two managers interviewing me. I was totally exhausted by the end and I knew as soon as I left the hospital that I wasn't going to get a call back.

Fortunately, I had scheduled a phone interview for the Monday when I came back with a hospital in Grand Prairie, Alberta. I think that had to be one of my best interviews I have had in awhile. Interview went well and things were looking pretty good at the moment. Recently I get an email back saying they could only get in touch with one of my references but thankfully they got hold of one more later in the day (not sure what happened to my last reference... she kind of disappeared). So while I was skating today I missed a call from them and in the voice message it seemed like more good news were coming my way. I called back but I guess I didn't realize the time difference, I think they are two hours behind. So I won't know if more good news will be coming by way or just more bad news that will be added to my rejection pile. I have my fingers crossed and it'd be pretty cool to get this job... it's just for a mat. leave coverage so I'll be back in an year and would come back with lots of experience.

However, I did apply to CAMH earlier in the week and I would take that job over the Grand Prairie job cause I'd prefer to stay in Toronto and my dream job is to work at CAMH. Even though I applied to a unit I want, Geriatric Mental Health, my thought is to get hired and just work myself up or around until I find myself working in the Schizophrenia Unit. Hopefully they call me for an interview next week or so... I really want that job!

So that's a pretty detailed, I think, update of my unemployment situation. If anyone one wants to still donate any money, even pennies to me, leave a comment and let me know. So don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Day 10 - Oy, Me Feet!

Today must have been one of my productive days... kinda of. So if anyone reads my blog I said I was sleeping early last night it so happened that was was false. I was watching Monday Night Football and fell asleep cause I guess I was tired (don' know from what) but I fell asleep. I woke up at 4 quarter and decided I'm just gonna go to sleep so I blogged a short one and went to bed but I think blogging was a bad idea cause I couldn't fall back to sleep after that. Blogs are evil! (Don't shut me down!)

Anyways I found my skates yesterday and today I decided to go skating! Found a community centre near by which offers leisure skates on Tuesday 4PM - 6PM. Went at 4 and skated for around an hour and a half... it was nice to do something besides sit on my ass at home. Although my feet are sore right cause I haven't skated in ages... hopefully I'll get used to my skates again soon. AND I have to get the blades sharpened! Skating on dull blades isn't the greatest idea, let me tell you. Luckily I only fell once... I was doing a circle and I guess one of my blades caught something and down I went, TIMBER!

Now I know what I'm doing on my Tuesday early evenings, skating! I'm gonna try to make it downtown at Harbourfront or even to Mel Lastman Centre one of these days, they're open 10AM - 10PM.

If anyone wants to tell me their skating experiences, don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 9 - Sleeping Early

I'm not gonna write much cause I'm really tired today. But I do have some good news, I FOUND MY SKATES! YES! So when the weather gets better, I can head down and skate for awhile and go read my book at a coffee shop drinking a nice hot cup of tea. Sounds like a fantastic day!

The Hangover is coming out tomorrow and I want to get it. If I get it tomorrow until Thursday I can get it for $17.99 at Bestbuy... what to do... I'll probably do it! I laughed so much in that movie and I know the extra features are gonna be so jokes.... or so, so, so wrong. Hahaha.

Anyways, it's 11:14PM and I'm gonna head to bed. This should be good for tomorrow... let's see what time I wake up, hopefully early!

Don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weekend is coming to end... for a lot of you but for the unemployed, like myself, it's always the weekend! I know I said I would try to sleep earlier but it's hard to break a bad habit. It's 1:34AM right now and I am a little tired but not tired enough to fall asleep. Maybe I should go lie down after I post and see I can fall asleep... if I don't turn on the tv that is.

Why is Lady Gaga so weird? I recently saw her new music video again, Bad Romance and she has got to be one of the strangest celebrity I know. I saw in the news last week how she met the queen of england and you would think she would dress more appropriately but nope, same crazy style but I suppose it was toned down but still crazy to the everyday, normal person and especially to the queen. Someone interviewed her afterward and she said her strange image she puts out isn't just for show but that's actually her lifestyle. So she dresses like that ALL THE TIME? That's hard to believe... but maybe she does. She will always be a strange character to my eyes... but her songs are catchy though! I had Bad Romance stuck in my head today cause my friends were singing it and doing the motions at the pub... and I caught myself whistling the tune while I was eating my nachos and drink my beer... damn you lady gaga and your catchy songs!

A thought to think about! Are weekends all day Saturday and Sunday or Friday night and all day Saturday? Cause do people go out on Sunday nights? Or is a weekend actually just all day Saturday?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Today has definitely been a lazy day for sure. Slept in until, I think, 1... yeah I slept at. A lot of tv watching. Some reading. Some eating. Ah I feel a little dizzy... maybe I need some fresh air. I think the only productive thing I did today was read my book. Oh what a good book... don't know if it's a good book cause I haven't read a lot of books or cause it's actually a good book. Well doesn't matter what people think cause I like the book. :)

So I have no idea where my skates are... that's a trouble if i I want to go hit the rinks during the week. Hrmm... they can't be lost cause I remember they were in my room last year but definitely not in my room now. I'd rent skates but nah... not sure if I trust those rental skates. I'm sure they are clean but still don't trust them. It's bowling shoes... yeah they spray them down after you drop them off but what do the sprays actually do? Make them smell clean? Actual bacteria disinfecting? I'll never know unless I get a job at the local bowlerama.

So I've been looking up and listening to some music and I thought I'd share some on here. My ears enjoy a wide variety of music so in terms of genre... I'm everywhere. I've been listening to a UK dj/producer, Janette Slack. Don't know if she is that well known around the world but I really like her music that I could find online. And if you don't already know... I have a thing for female dj's ;) haha. I think it'd be pretty cool to go out with a dj... I enjoy music and I don't know something about a female dj is pretty hot. But I know there are a lot of hot female djs that suck and they're only popular because of their looks and not their talent... those djs don't really do it for me. Janette Slack, from what I've read about her seems really true to her music and djing and sounds like she really has a passion for it. Wish I was in the UK to see her perform live, that would be pretty cool.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 8 - Hello Weekend!

I totally forgot to blog today until a fellow night owl friend reminded me how my blog was going. Thanks! I owe you!... is mentioning you on my blog good enough? :P She asked me how my going to bed at 12 was going and obviously it's not going so well since its 1:24AM and I'm still up blogging and chatting on msn. I guess I was meant to be a night owl. Although I DID sleep at 12 couple nights ago... so I was successful for a night! :) Staying up reminds me when I was back in school cramming for an exam or starting an essay that was due the next day... oh how I don't miss those days.

Although I do miss living alone... alone as in away from home... I had housemates throughout my 3 years and they all sucked! I counted and I went through 9 different housemates in 3 years and they were all a bunch of of asses. None of them cleaned up after themselves, never took out the garbage and just plain old nasty farts. But I do have to say one or two of them weren't bad to live with but still. I had these brothers my first year there and they would smoke up in their rooms together and come out snacking on their munchies... it was like clock work. Same time everyday. But they were nice housemates I have to say. Oh man! My last year there was this one guy... DAMN! I can't even describe the smell... I really can't. I wish I could so you could suffer with me but there's not a word to describe the odor. For the 8 months we lived together, I never saw him shower and maybe changed his clothes once or twice, MAYBE! And I had the pleasure of having the room next to his. Me and other other guys would spray air fresheners in front of his room and around the entire apartment but nothing worked. I don't know how many bottles of air fresheners each of us went through. Pretty damn expensive living with a smelly dude!

I got thinking... it is winter so why don't I go skating during the day when I have nothing to do! It never crossed my mind until someone said they were going skating with their family. Skating is free, it gets me fresh air and maybe I'll meet people. I think it's a good idea. I can go skating, go to a coffee shop afterward and read my book and after that come back home. That's gotta be at least... hrmm... few hours?? Maybe more? I'll have to give it a try next week for sure.... ah crap! Gotta find my skates first! Gotta do that this weekend... my skate blades are probably all rusted over again... ah well!

Anyways... if anyone is out there reading this (and no not you!... you know who you are!) don't be a stranger and leave something. Again my purpose of this blog was to collect donations of all sorts, mainly money but I'll take what you got... just let me know beforehand.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 7 - It's Been A Week!

It's day 7 and you know what that means! 7 days = one full week! Wow this blog is officially one week old! I guess I can do this and keep this up... next thing you know, it'll be a month! WOWZERS!

So it's past 12... it's actually 12:42AM... I know I broke my "sleeping at 12" rule. I guess I have no excuses but to say that I'm trying to fix up my old ass computer. After fixing my parent's computer the other day, I figured there's an old piece of junk laying around, why not fix it up and try to give it a new home! I'm debating if I should install ubuntu or windows... It's a pretty crap computer... old celeron processor with 512MB of ram.... and 80 gig harddrive.... yeah nothing to drool about, I know. Ubuntu... I'd have to learn linux and windows I already know how to use to that won't be too hard.... Oh the decisions! I have a ubuntu cd already inside but I don't know... I might install xp instead....OR I can install ubuntu now and if I get sick of it, I'll just reinstall xp. I thought about dual boot but I don't think this computer could handle that.... seriously, I don't want a fire in my room!

Anyways, this isn't much of a blog about my day... kinda of short but I'll write more tomorrow, promise.

Don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 6 - First Snow Storm!

So I ended up sleeping at 4AM last night! :( Darn computer wouldn't cooperate with me... took so long to do everything. I was thinking just getting my parents a nice new cheap computer... anything is better than the one they are using now. It was my old computer I built myself when I was in high school so that's like 6 - 7 years ago. It's still functioning but so slow compared to today's standards... with computers having 2+ gigs of ram, dual core processors, 1tb hard drives.... crazy computers these days. But I want a new computer, a new project. I was looking up parts to buy and such... I'm a total nerd! :P

So we got hit with our first snow storm of the year and I LOVE IT! It's good to see everything covered in white snow, feels refreshing! I know, I know... white snow turns into black slush but c'mon, it's winter, what did you expect? :P So after sleeping only 4-5 hours, my parents wake me up to help them clear the garage so we can park the car inside during the winter. I just wanted to be left alone in bed... but as any good child would do, I helped out and now the car is parked inside, dry and warm... kinda warm and out of the elements.

Now the computer is all fixed, car is in the garage and it's back to my normal day. Maybe tonight I will get to sleep at 12 instead of the ridiculous hours I've gotten so used to.

If anyone in the Thornhill area needs someone to shovel their driveway, LET ME KNOW! I love to shovel snow, I really do and I won't charge a lot... $20 a driveway? Does that sound too cheap? Too expensive? I don't know but I think it sounds like a good deal, $20. So LET ME KNOW, please.

Don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

Day 5 - Continued... Still Awake...

So I got the computer to run... but still not 100% ready. Argh, it's 2:08AM and I'm STILL up! What am I gonna do with myself... I guess I should look for jobs that require me to do graveyard hours, I'll fit right in!

Oh speaking of jobs... I'm still unemployed! What am I doing wrong? If there are any nice people out there who would like to donate some money, any money or donate anything to me, please do. I have to start paying off my student loans and bills and my daily living expenses... if anyone is out there who lives in Toronto and is looking to hire someone, I'M YOUR PERSON!

OK I don't know when I'm going to sleep cause who knows when this computer mess will get sorted out but I hope it's soon!

Until tomorrow... don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 5 - F'ing Computers!

So I don't think I'll be getting to sleep by 12 tonight... so happens my parents computer (switch happens to be my old computer before I got my laptop) decided to all of sudden stop working. So I've been trying to get it to work for the last... oh I don't know... 2 hours or so and still nothing. But I have some tricks up my sleeves so hopefully I can get it fixed before I head to bed tonight and just in time for my mom to enjoy reading Korean news and what other gossipy things she decides to look up. My mom believes that everything she reads online is real... which is kind of funny and annoying at the same time cause she'd come up with these crazy health improving things that make no sense to me and when I ask her where she heard it from... the internet... I just laugh and say how silly she is. I have to constantly remind her that not everything she reads online is real... when will she ever learn... at least she's not those type of people who can't even start up a computer. So I'm glad that she can start the computer, browse the web and send/receive emails.

So today was a very productive day in terms of my reading. I read a lot of my book, The Lost Symbol. I wasn't a fan of reading growing up cause every time I'd start a book I would always feel tired and end up falling asleep. Maybe it was cause I read books that were boring or whatever but I never became a fan of reading. But now I'm starting to enjoy reading... its opening up a huge part of my imagination, which is pretty cool. As I'm reading The Lost Symbol, I can picture whats happening in my mind like a movie... what would be crazy is if they do make a movie and the movie was just like the way I pictured it in my mind.

Anyways I'll blog more when I finish fixing up the computer.

It's 11:48PM... don't think I'll be in bed by 12... darn!

Day 4 - Continued

So here I am again at this ridiculous hour (2:40AM) wondering to myself why I'm not in bed sleeping. I guess one good reason why I'm not sleeping yet is cause I'm trying out this new blog app I found where I can blog from my iPod Touch! Cool, eh?! I think so!

But back to my messed up sleeping patterns... I have to find a way to get myself back to a normal pattern cause this can't be healthy for my body. I think tomorrow I will try to sleep early like at 12. That sounds pretty reasonable, right? So hopefully there won't be a post at 2 in the morning tomorrow. (fingers crossed)

Aaah! My eyes are getting heavy! A sign for me to stop blogging and make some zzzzzzzz's!

Don't be a stranger, leave a comment.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 4 - I Think It's Day 4...

Yeah so I'm debating if I should continue to label my posts with Day 1, Day 2, etc... cause clearly I didn't label it like that during the weekend... OR maybe I'll just label my posts with Day whatever only on the weekdays... OK I've made an executive decision, that decision being I will not label my weekend posts. That was easy! Wish all decisions were that easy to make... if only!

So I was watching Oprah... yes I watch Oprah, who doesn't?! I was watching cause the episode was something I have an interest in and one day would like to work within. There was a 7 year old girl who was diagnosed with schizophrenia and it was about the parents' and their other little 20 month old baby's life and journey through life. I had a placement at CAMH, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health last winter in their in patient schizophrenia unit and interacting with people with schizophrenia was interesting. How they think, how they process information and just the way they live their life... so different. I can't imagine for a bit how I can live with hallucinations telling me, even better controlling my thoughts and my actions. I guess we should all admire those who suffer from schizophrenia cause it can't be easy to keep their hallucinations under control while trying to live a "normal" life.

Don't be a stranger... leave a comment. 
I once again find myself not tired and this time the clock reads 2:39AM. I thought my nocturnal habits were being broken but I guess I was wrong. BUT I guess taking a nap at 6 and waking up at 10 doesn't help my cause... damn! Why did I have to fall asleep watching Planet Earth on tv? No I don't find it boring at all... it actually keeps me interested. Maybe it's cause I was laying down on the couch in my pj's... that's gotta be why!

So here I am blogging about nothing as per usual. Maybe I'll change the direction of my blog. Instead of trying to make money through blogging (don't even know if that's possible) I'll just blog about whats happening in my life... I can blog about my adventures of unemployment or blog about my random thoughts or just blog about anything and everything.

Oh man... I have a feeling I'll end up staying up tonight. That can't be good. I'm not even in school anymore! I really need to find a job... any job.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

I've become a night owl and I can't fall asleep at the right times. It's 1:40AM and I'm wide awake listening to some club music, DJ ICON - Weapon of Choice Vol. 2. I have my own little club in my room... why pay some ridiculous cover free when I can enjoy the same kind of music in the comfort of my own room? And even then, when you get into the club... so many dirty, greasy looking guys and girls with caked on faces... guess some people are into those type of people... I will never understand them. Don't they realize when they wake up the next morning they will see a completely different person... I mean a completely different face?!

"You're not the same person I met last night are you?"
"Uuuh, yeah I am!"
"OH!... yeeeeeah.... I'll call you"

A thought... do girls who spend hours on their faces with pounds of make up go back home at the end of the day and peel off their make up like a mask and keep them stored somewhere for another night? I mean I do appreciate some make up on girls, I like the minimal make up look... but some people just over do it and it just looks nasty. And another thought... if I had a girlfriend who wore pounds of make up day in and day out... I'd be scared to wear anything but white cause I'd be afraid her face would rub off onto my clothes... I guess even wearing white is bad. It'll be like a brand new canvas for them to work with, but instead of using brushes to paint, they can just use their faces. It's like their faces already have all the colours you need to create a colourful masterpiece. I guess their faces in that case would be the painters colour palette?

I think I've stayed up long enough for tonight. I am getting tired so maybe my nocturnal habits are being broken.... I hope so.

Day 3 - Damn You Bad Habits!

Good afternoon... to whoever comes by and reads my blog. Today's day started off pretty late... I didn't want to sleep last night and wanted to watch a movie so after asking friends for suggestions, I decided to watch Children of Men starting Clive Owen. I started off watching it on tv but I couldn't hear cause I didn't want to wake up the house by blasting the volume so I switched to my laptop and headphones. For those who haven't seen it or don't know what its about, it's set in the year 2027 when the world is falling apart and where everyone becomes infertile and hasn't a birth in 18 years. So it's the job of Theo (Clive Owen) to protect the world's only hope to jump start the population. I thought it was a good movie but I think I was feeling more of an action film last night so I wasn't too into it. Nonetheless, I recommend Children of Men.

So I woke up at 1:00PM which has become a very bad habit of mine, waking up late. I should start sleeping early and waking up early but its become a habit and bad habits, especially are hard to break. But its not like I have anything to do when I wake up early. Actually I take that back, I have plenty to do but being unemployed has taken its poll on me and it has become very discouraging when no one wants to hire you or even call you up for an interview. Maybe my resume sucks? Maybe my cover letter sucks? Maybe my interviews suck? I don't know... if anyone wants to provide any input, please do... cause any suggestion is welcomed.

So I bring this all back to my reason for this blog. I know there must be people out there with big hearts and who understand what I am going through. Any encouragements, a shiny penny, anything and everything will be accepted. If my "blog project" ends up being me collecting people's junk... so be it.

Again... don't be a stranger and leave a comment.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 2 - Continued

I'm checking my blog and I see the view count of my blog increasing. I don't know if you guys are actually reading or passing by... I like to think people are reading but who knows. If anyone does read whatever I write, it'd be nice to read some comments. Again I know I just started and it'll take some time to build my blog army of followers but I gotta start somewhere.

So I'm watching a re-run of WEC (world extreme cagefightering) on TSN and I've often thought about entering a cage and fighting someone. I wonder how that would feel... all the excitement, the fans, and the rush! Although I probably won't last very long... or I might... I like to think I'll come out victorious after 3 rounds of 5 minutes each. AND... hrmmm... I could probably make enough money to pay off my student loans, even if I win or lose. But is my health more important than paying off my student loans or is paying off my student loans more important than my health and body? I think that's a no brainer... my student loans of course! Haha just kidding everyone, my health and body is more important of course! 

Again... don't be a stranger and leave a comment or two.

Day 2 - TGIF

Thank goodness its Friday! ... well not like the week leading up to Friday was tough or anything... still good to know its the weekend and have some hope that I might be able to spend some time with my friends. Weekends are my only chances of getting out the house and hang out with friends and what not... but that's also a 50/50 hit or miss.

So I checked and there's 12 his on my blog... some might say "Nice!" but after finding out all 12 hits might actually come from me... how sad is that, right? I guess i was checking if anyone actually commented something... I guess it'll take time to build up my blog army of followers although I highly doubt that will happen. My blog isn't anything special... I guess you could say its just me thinking out loud and writing it out. I'll try to make it fun and exciting but hold those stones before you start throwing them cause I'm not going to promise anything. :P

Back to the purpose of this blog... well one of the purposes. Its to see if I can raise/collect money from people who will eventually read and follow my blog. I am a recent grad of the post secondary education system here in Ontario, Canada. For those who might not know... CANADA is the country NORTH of the great United States of America and ONTARIO is one of its provinces... yes provinces NOT states. How was that for a geography lesson for ya? Anyways so after graduating I realized that I have this amazing thing called student loans to pay back! While worrying about paying back my student loans, the next step to take is to find a full time job... I mean I did just graduate and there must be places that will hire me. I thought that was the case but its been few months of nonstop applying and endless phone interviews and face-to-face interviews and still nothing.

That is why I'm here. I'm in the midst of looking for a part time job while I land myself a full time job to jump start my career but in the mean time while I have no job... thought I could use my creative ideas for my benefit. Even if I get a penny from people... and if lets say 100 people read my blog and decide to send me a penny by whatever means... haven't decided on that yet... I'd have 100 pennies which equals $1.00! How amazing is that?! (if my math is messed up, which i doubt, please let me so I don't feel like an ass to the whole world, thanks! :P)

Anyways, I think the first week of blogs will be boring until I find things to write about. What would you people out there in the land of the world wide web want to read about? Let me know in my comments and I'll try my best to write about them... but I'm not making any promises.

So until next time... don't be a stranger and write me some comments!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 1 - The Beginning

So before I fell asleep last night after watching Paul Blart Mall Cop (which wasn't as funny as I thought it'd be) I thought to myself "what am I doing?" I've been out of school for few months now (yay a recent grad!) but it feels more like few years. I've been applying to jobs after jobs after jobs... in Toronto, Ontario, and out west in B.C. and in Alberta and they all pretty much end with the same conclusion, "sorry you don't have enough experience." What load of crap, huh? They know I'm fresh out of university and maybe the reason I applied in the first place was so I learn and gain experience... after all isn't that what you do at a job? Learn and gain new work experiences while providing quality service to your clients? That's what I thought.

So it's been few months, like I said, and still unemployed. I have my OSAP (for those who don't know, that's my student loans) I have to pay for but without a job, how am I suppose to pay for it? So that brings me back to why I decided to write a blog. In my crazy thoughts, maybe I can raise money writing a blog. Yes, I know... it IS a crazy idea but what's the worst thing that can happen? If I don't make money, I don't make money... at least I know that I tried something and it didn't work.

I guess I will have to build up an army of blog followers... I guess that will come with time. So this my attempt to make some money over the internet... how successful I will be, I don't have a clue but hopefully it'll be a journey. And hey! even if I make a cent... I'll be happy! :)

Until next time... yeah I was going to write something clever but I got nothing. So I'll just leave it at... until next time.