Friday, January 22, 2010

What Could Have Been...

Weekend officially started today at 4:15pm but has been ruined by one phone call at 2:15pm.

I definitely did not want to wake up and go to work today. It was such a struggle to roll off my air mattress and walk towards the shower. But because I live so close to work I think I can afford to sleep in a little bit... I mean it takes like... 3 mins to walk to work. Honestly, it's that close. My view from my bedroom AND living room is the hospital.

Work today was pretty slow. None of the recreation therapist work Fridays but me and my supervisor so it was just me and the recreation assistants. I still don't know what I'm suppose to do at work... I don't lead any programs and assessments/reassessments don't happen that much... so what do I do? I try to make myself look busy but reading a binder or trying to help out so I can get to know my residents. The residents are fun and I love hearing their stories.

So after lunch I was prepping something one of the recreation therapist asked me to finish up. As I was working on it, I get a phone call and on my caller id it read Restricted ID so I was curious to see who was calling. I pick up and BAM! "Hi this is so and so from CENTRE FOR ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH, is this peter?" WHY?!?! Why must they call me NOW for an interview... when I already took a job on the other side of the country, one week into my new job and with my furniture expected for arrival on monday... why?? I told the person I already have a job now and we hung up. After that phone call my mood changed and all I could think of was... "what if i didnt take this job now?" "what am i doing here when i could have the change to work at my dream job?" "i lost my chance at my dream job!" All these thoughts... and I guess I'm doubting myself again for coming here, when there was a potential to stay home in the city I love and want to live in.

So my weekend has now been ruined... hopefully something sparks it up again but losing the chance to work at my dream job is pretty heartbreaking.

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1 comment:

  1. :(
    If CAMH called once...they will call again!
    whenever I talk to u on msn- remind me to tell you abt my week ruining story!
