Monday, January 25, 2010

Orientation... What A Bore

Today and tomorrow was and will be a boring day for me. It's new employee orientation sessions... whoopie! I'm sitting there and listening and it doesn't matter if you're in a different province, everything is pretty much the same. Staff abuse awareness, child abuse awareness, workers comp... everything's the same. I guess I should have none since those things are pretty standard across the board... or I hope they are.

So I got nothing really to blog about today.... today was uneventful. OH! My furniture and other essentials were suppose to arrive today but the driver calls me yesterday and tells me the hwy in Regina closed down cause of 20-30cm of snow fall! 20-30cm!! How crazy is that?! He tells me he probably won't be on the road again until tomorrow. So he calls me in this morning and leaves a voice message telling me he hasn't left yet cause the hwy is still closed but they are opening it up slowly so he expects to be here by Wednesday earliest. WEDNESDAY?! I want my stuff already... I want to be able to cook a meal, sleep on a real mattress, sit and watch tv and eat a meal on a chair and a table. Guess my mom was right when she told me everyone needs to know how it feels to suffer a little... I don't think I'm suffering that much but not having some of the things I took for granted... it's making me appreciate them even more now.

Hopefully my stuff will be here Wednesday and by that time my tv will be ready for the cable and internet people who'll be coming Friday. Woohoo! Finally my apartment will feel like a real home. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of my bare apartment... it's pretty sad looking. Just picture yourself house hunting and you walk into a house with no furniture, no nothing. Well that picture you have in your head, it's pretty much my living area and kitchen and dinette area. My bedroom looks alright but still sad cause it's my air mattress, suit cases and my laptop with a few random things on the floor.

It's time for bed... I'm sleeping early these days. Guess that's a true sign of a working professional. Sleeping early to get my 6-7 hours of sleep. Good night! Don't be a stranger and leave a comment. And if you're in a good mood, follow my blog, too. :)

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