Friday, January 29, 2010

Week Number 2

My second week here is coming to an end and I can say that it is feeling more like home. Maybe it's cause I have my furniture and other essentials that came in mid this week and I got my internet and cable today. No more sleeping on an air mattress and no more slow internet connections. Now I won't be bored... well I hope not.

Even though my apartment is feeling more like home... I wish I had all this back in Toronto. I would love to have my friends over, kick back with some cold ones and just having a ball. I miss my friends. I know I'll make new ones here but just miss all the opportunities that I'm going to miss with them. If anyone wants to make the trek over here... c'mon over! My apartment is always open for you guys!

I've realized how much I've missed the food network. I've been watching it in the airplane and now that I can watch it whenever I want... I think/hope that it'll inspire me to do some cooking on my own. If you don't know, I love food and I love to cook. I might not be good but I love to cook anyways. I'll have to blog about my cooking adventures whenever that happens. Hopefully I'll have a camera by then and I can take pictures of my beautiful and yummy creations!

What to do this weekend... maybe I'll hit up the mall again and walk around for a bit and walk on over to the superstore and sears. YES, we have sears! LOL I can use some new work clothes... which reminds me I gotta do a massive load of laundry! Oy I need toonies too, crap! I wonder if I can figure out a way to do laundry for free. Me and my housemates figured out a way to do laundry for free in Waterloo... Hrmmm I'll have to do some research on youtube. Laundry should be free... or at least affordable. C'mon, $2 for a wash and another $2 to dry... that's just ridiculous!

Hope this weekend will be a good one! Wish I was with you guys back home... miss having a pint with you guys!

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