Tuesday, January 26, 2010

12 More Hours...

My furniture and other things are arriving tomorrow! WOO friggin' HOO! :)

Not much happened today at work but continued on with the new employee orientation. The only fun part of today's orientation was it was the last day! Haha. I got to do my mask fitting again cause I didn't bring my card from Toronto... I hate tasting that bitter solution... so gross. And the stupid things they make you wear.... I look like a goof, a total goof. I wanted to keep the mask I was using but I left it on the table and when I came back from lunch I didn't know if it was my mask or someone's mask.

Yeah not much to blog about tonight... other than the fact that my stuff's arriving tomorrow morning! Finally my apartment will look and feel more like my home and I can finally settle in and feel comfortable. So long air mattress! You've provided me with... urmm comfort but I will definitely not miss you. I think I might fall asleep tomorrow night and not wake up for work cause I'll be too comfortable and sound asleep from the comfort.

Oh and I can't wait to start cooking some real food. Frozen food, instant noodles and pizza... not a very healthy combination of foods, I think. I need some vegetables and fresh stuff in my diet. Too bad I don't get paid for awhile.... my grocery shopping will have to wait and I'll just eat rice and curry-in-box that my mom sent over with my stuff. Thank mom! :)

Man it's only 8:30! I'm still not used to this time difference... I'll chat some more and maybe I'll sleep early tonight... or I'll tidy up my room so I can fit my bed and dresser when it gets here tomorrow. Maybe I should sleep on the floor tonight... so I don't have to wake up early to deflate it... yeah I'll just sleep on the floor tonight. The sacrifices I make for myself. Haha

Don't be a stranger and leave some goodies in the form of comments.


  1. oh hey there! I GOT A BLOG!!! Lets see if I can figure out how to work this thing.

  2. oh wait, here's a comment for you, i can't believe you chose to sleep on the floor.. that's so sad but it made me laugh so props!
