Monday, January 18, 2010

First Day At Work

So today was my first day at work and it was alright. It was just filled with administrative stuff, forms, and my supervisor talking and talking and talking. I got to see some of the clients but will definitely meet them all eventually as I start going to the units and doing more work besides administrative stuff.

I know this is only temporary and geriatrics isn't my field of interest but I want to stay out here longer than my temporary contract. I'm making good money here. I hope I don't just stay here until Oct (which is when my contract ends... I just found that out today) cause all the moving and what not would be a waste of money and time. I should continue to look for jobs in Toronto, maybe in Calgary and definitely in Vancouver too. But my ideal job is in Toronto and I'd love to live in Toronto. So much life, so much excitement and it'll always be my home.

It's a little lonely here... ok not a little but a lot lonely here right now. I have no furniture yet so my living area is bare, kitchen only has bread, peanut butter, kettle and instant cup noodles (how Korean am I? lol). I just stay in my bedroom where the only piece of furniture is my air mattress but at least my bedroom is occupied with clothes and suit cases... even though they are just randomly lying on the floor. It's very messy right now but it's making my room look full and less lonely.

I like my apartment. It's a nice place. I don't have a peep hole in my front door... I'll have to call the caretaker and see if he can do something about that. What if someone knocks at my door, I'd want to know who it was, who wouldn't? He is a really nice guy and his wife is just as nice. I lucked out on finding a good caretaker... superintendent... or whatever else you call them.

I was on hold with the internet and cable company and I noticed I don't need internet right now. I'm "borrowing" someone's wireless right now and I don't need cable right now either cause I don't even have a tv set yet. Good thing I was on hold or else I would have signed up and wasted money... money that I don't have yet. I can't wait until I get paid in two weeks... even if that first cheque is going straight to my bills, it'll still feel good to see that money in my bank account for that short amount of time.

Well I think I wrote enough for today. I'm planning on sleeping early tonight cause this morning was a bit of a struggle. It was still pitch dark outside at 7:30 and now I understand why people can't get up in the winter. I'd always used to wake up fine but not anymore. And the crazy thing was I saw kids walking to school in pitch darkness... that's pretty crazy I think. So I'm gonna try to sleep at 11, an hour earlier than last night and see if that helps.

Until the next post, don't be a stranger and leave a comment or two.

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