Thursday, January 14, 2010

A New Day

So after posting my last blog, I talked to my brother some more and we figured things out. It was nice to talk to someone familiar since everyone here is unknown to me and not sure if I can trust anyone. But I know once I get to talk to more people on a regular basis I will hopefully build that trust with them.

Thanks everyone who thought about me and offered up help. I really felt your love and comfort. Don't know what I would do without friends like that, who are selfless and wanting the best for others. Thanks and you know that I'm always here for anyone.

Today I go back home for the weekend to do some packing and attend a wedding. I know I will have a tough time saying goodbye to everyone cause now I know how tough it will be without any of them around. Will I hold it together? I won't know... I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Time to get ready for the day.

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