Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Weekend In Grande Prairie

So my first weekend here was pretty good and productive.

I slept in and woke up 11-12. I didn't want to wake up but thought I should at least wake up early enough so if I wanted to do something I'd have time to do it. I walked around my apartment and I can't wait until my furniture, kitchen stuff, mattress and all the other things I packed arrive Monday. My living area is pretty bare... literally has nothing but curtains. I have a feeling I should have listen to my parents and shipped both the couches... even though they are flower patterned. Gotta save money, ya know? My living area seems to be big enough for both plus tv and coffee table. We'll see when I arrange the furniture around.

Being the first weekend, I wanted to explore this town that I now call home. What better place to go on a weekend but the mall! I wish I could say its a big mall like Yorkdale or even Fairview but... it really isn't. For all you readers who've been to the Conestoga Mall in Waterloo... yeah it's pretty similar but worse. The only men's store I can really shop at is RW&Co but that's only for work attire. I guess I'll have to drive to Edmonton one of these weekends to do ALL my clothe shopping.

Walking back I stopped by Canadian Tire just to kill more time and if I could buy anything for the apartment. After picking up stuff I realized that I should probably wait until my stuff arrive and see if I really do need the things I picked up. And I didn't want to spend money cause I haven't gotten paid yet... cause do I really need a hook near the main door to hold my keys? I didn't think so... although it was a good idea at the time.

Last night I met up with a family that Pastor Chang met at Urbana and I went to their son's indoor soccer game to talk and get out of the apartment. It was nice to meet them finally after countless emails and to talk to someone besides residents and coworkers at the hospital. While at timmies they told me about this production their church (so happens it's one of the churches I had in mind to attend) was holding a comedy production called Studio Y and they invited me to come if I had nothing to do Saturday night. So having nothing to do and wanting to go out and be productive with my time, I walked over to the church and had a good time. It was pretty funny and well organized. They apparently have it once a month so can't wait to go next month. Talking more with Mike, I found a gym I could go to but it'll be a far walk but hopefully I can figure out their transit schedule to save me time.

I'm glad I met the Bennett family, their kids are all nice and their youngest, I think is 9 months is SO cute. She cried the first time she saw me, which was last night, but now she smiles and laughs when I'm around. I guess she opens up to people easily. Or I'm not as scary as I thought. Haha.

I'm getting more comfortable here now, now having met a family who can show me around town and talk to, having worked a full week, and having been here a week. It still gets lonely but that's not going to go away. I wonder what my friends and family are up to this weekend... I miss having a drink with you guys. CHEERS!

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