Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today and yesterday was tiring. A lot of working around. Yesterday we took residents to the mall to do some shopping and I was very (un)fortunate to be with one resident who had to buy underwear... luckily there was a Recreation Assistant and another Recreation Therapist (who happen to be both female) so I just walked around Zellers while the ladies did their thing. Didn't feel so comfortable helping an older lady find underwear... yeah no thanks.

Today was a pretty fun day. In the morning we got few new Wii games for the residents so I had the pleasure to test them out. So for a good hour or more I sat in front of our nice big screen and tested out the games. If only my job was like this ALL the time... that'd be great! I would be getting paid to play Wii. Awesome! Haha

So this morning I was sitting and one of my coworkers who sits next to me in the office says to me "I have a lasagna in my car for you and a loft of bread." I can't remember but I think she said she made a lot of food for some special occasion that I can't think of right now but it was really nice of her. I'm truly blessed to be in a town and work with people who are helpful.

For dinner tonight I had lasagna and bread... I had seconds cause it was pretty good. Better than the things I've been eating for dinner for the past week, that's for sure! I was thinking about taking a nap at 7:30 cause I was SO tired.... too much food! Haha

I'm just lazing around now... I should start reading my book again. Haven't opened that since I moved here and I don't think I've read much before I moved here. I was on a good roll but I don't know what happened. But I will finish it, that is my goal for the month or two. So ask me in a month... lets make that in two months if I finished my book, please.

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