Sunday, February 21, 2010

One Word: WOW!

What in the world is going on?! First the Canadian Jr's lose to the Americans and now the Canadian Olympic team can't do any better? C'mon guys!! Marty.... what are you doing playing baseball in a hockey game?? Stay in your crease and play HOCKEY! Better be on your A game for the next game... but I think Luongo will get the next start.

I think Canadian athletes are under too much pressure. I know they want to make Canada proud cause the Olympics is in Canadian soil but how are they suppose to perform at their highest when all they can think about is not letting THE ENTIRE nation down? We only have a week left and our medal count is pretty low compared to other Winter Olympics. Let's pick it up and finish strong. I know we can get to more podiums... doesn't have to be Gold... I'll be happy with Silver or Bronze... just make the podiums, please!

Oh that note... I had an awesome dinner today! I know it's a totally different topic but I'm full and very satisfied. I had the same last night but I over cooked my steaks in the oven so it wasn't as awesome. I marinated my small steaks in my random concoction of extra virgin olive oil, mustard, onions, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, and pepper. I know they sound pretty random but that's because they are random. That was my meat and for veggies I leftover roasted potatoes and carrots from last night. Mmm it was good. I just wish I had a piece of cake or something as dessert... that would have been super!

I need to find a gym that is close to my house... but I'm not having any luck. I feel like I'm gaining weight cause I don't do much when I come home from work cause I'm too tired to go back out... but I think once the snow and ice start melting and it's not slippery, I'll go jogging. At least that will keep me in some shape. But in the mean time... I walk a lot during the weekends and on my feet a lot at work but that's still not enough... need to get in shape for myself. I think I know what girls feel when they say they feel fat.... cause I feel fat. If I keep making meals like the one I had tonight... I'm in big trouble but a man's a gotta eat, right? Haha

I have one recipe that's been recommended and it sounds GOOD! I'll try that one soon. If anyone has anymore recipe ideas for me to try, leave me a comment. Don't be a stranger!

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