Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Family Day

Today is Family Day and I didn't know Alberta had Family Day too. It's too bad I don't have any family here but it's ok cause I got to sleep in and just rest. I love long weekends!

I didn't do much today. Like I said I slept in, ate breakfast at 12 and just bummed around. Watched Murderball and now I'm making dinner. I had bought some jarred pasta sauce and thought I'd jazz it up with some fresh veggies that I had leftover from before. So if my new Santoku knife, I chopped carrots, broccoli, onions and garlic to my sauce. The sauce looked before but now it looks even better with chucks of fresh vegetables. Can't wait for dinner! Write about it making my mouth water but I had a turkey sandwich (turkey, cheese and mayo) an hour ago.

Gonna go watch some Olympics and stir my sauce. I'll catch ya'll later!

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