Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend, You Came and You Left... Come Back

So the weekend is coming to an end and I have to wait another 5 days for the next. Hope work goes by fast this week but I have a feeling it will be another long and tiring one. I have my CPR on the 25th for the whole morning... I'll take any kind of break from work. But I'm glad I'm working and it's for my own good. I'm learning a lot and gaining a lot of experience I wouldn't have if I didn't make the move out east.

I didn't do much this weekend but went to this beer tasting fundraiser on Saturday. It was pretty fun, even though I sat at my table alone when I was eating but that's ok. I tasted a lot of good beer from around the world... too bad it was 2 ounces at a time. I should have bought more tickets, although everyone started off with a lot of tickets. Ok I lied about being alone at the table... I guess I bought my tickets late so my table was pretty bare, just me and these two girls. I didn't get to talk to them much. They went afterward and I couldn't find them again. We did exchange numbers but they both have boyfriends so... I'll leave it to them to call me... or do I do the calling? Crap, I've never been in this situation before.

So it's snowing here. I thought it was suppose to the start of Spring this weekend... guess I shouldn't be surprised. I am living up north. I'm a little jealous of the 18 degrees weather back home but snow always looks good and I can't get tired of it, even though it makes it tough for me to walk to the grocery store or go anywhere. I just can't wait until the sun starts setting later and later. Can't have to have a full days worth of daylight AFTER I get off work.

So that was my weekend. Had good beer, got numbers (hahaha) and didn't do much other than that. It was pretty much a lazy weekend besides Saturday night.

I've been lazy with my blog updates... I'll try to update more often.

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