Monday, February 21, 2011

Guess who?!

So after months and months of being away from blogging I thought I would start up again. I have had few friends ask me why I stopped and the truth is... I just stopped. A lot has happened while I have been gone. It's been 1 year since I moved to Grande Prairie, Alberta for work, I got a car, and well that's just about it.

How do I sum up months and months of blog material in one post? I'm not sure. Maybe I'll make a list or do point form or make a power point presentation and upload it (if that's even possible). Or I'll just make those who actually read my blog to just ask me instead of wasting time typing everything and having no one read it. So for those who know me, just ask me how I've been doing! I'll be waiting.

I was briefing looking over my previous posts and I noticed that I have more pictures of the meals I've cooked since my last post. I don't have the memory card with me now so I'll just have to upload and post them later. Ok I lied, my camera bag is just few feet away from me, I'm just feeling lazy and not very motivated right now. But let me tell you folks, I've cooked some pretty amazing meals. From Christmas turkey dinner to a beef roast. My mouth is watering as I talk about it now (and as I edit/proof read). You just wait people, pictures are worth a thousand words or a thousand drooling mouths and growling stomachs.

So I'm having an ADHD moment. I shouldn't blog while watching television. Or doing anything else. Maybe that's why I haven't blogged for so long, blogging hasn't been a top priority or I'm always doing something else and blogging just slips my mind. Hopefully this isn't the only time I blog in months again and I can keep it going like I did when first started this thing.

So wish me luck folks and maybe, just maybe, I'll be logging on tomorrow. We shall see!

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