Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hump Day!

The good thing about a short work week is well... its a short work week. The bad thing about a short work week is my days get all confused and messed up. I had to think twice... well maybe few times before I realized it was Wednesday today. Near the end of the day, I was talking to a coworker and I was going to say "Have a good weekend" cause she works part time and doesn't work Fridays or Mondays and I had to catch myself. My coworker just looked at me funny and laughed and said "You know I'll see you tomorrow, I do work on Thursdays." But now I'm all caught up with my days... I hope! Tomorrow is Thursday right?!

It's Wednesday and that only means one thing... ULTIMATE! My one and only hardcore exercise of the week. Running around with 4 other people trying to catch a frisbee. Sounds silly? Maybe. Sounds fun? Of course! Its a good cardiovascular workout and you get to meet new faces. As I play every week, my stamina is getting better and my muscles aren't as sore as last week. Yay for muscle memory! Its been good turn outs lately... although I can only speak of last week and today but I've heard good things in terms of players showing up. I do have to admit my ultimate skills are declining. What a sad thing to happen to such a young guy with so much potential. Ha Ha

Hope everyone is enjoying a short week this week and hopefully I'm not the only one whose days were out of whack. There's got to be one other person out there! Show yourself!

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