Monday, April 5, 2010

Why Isn't Monday A Holiday?

So I'm wondering why Easter Monday isn't a holiday everywhere! I mean they named the Monday for crying out loud. I was so not looking forward to waking up this morning and it was a struggle for sure. I didn't even do much at work either. It was such a slow morning with not much to do. Almost everyone took Monday off as vacation. Damn wish I had vacation days.

But on a good note... I got a raise! Good old union... good for something. Otherwise I think unions are stupid, especially those damn union dues... why do I have to pay union dues when I know I'm not going to use their services? And if they do go on strike, I'll be too lazy and probably won't agree with the strike to march on the lines... I rather not pay and keep my money.

Butler vs. Duke game's starting soon. I'd be happy with either team winning... so let the game begin!

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