Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feels Likes Summer

So I've been away from blogging for a bit. I've noticed how hard it is to blog every day. It's not like my days are uneventful... well sometimes they are but still have things to blog about. I guess I've been so tired after work I don't think about blogging, although it doesn't take that much of my time. I'll try to blog as frequent as I can.

So the weather has been just awesome last week and this weekend. Friday it was 20, Saturday it was 21 and today is 19. The sun is so bright, I love it! With all this beautiful weather I've been biking more and more after work. (I think I know why I don't blog as much, I get too tired after biking around for an hour.) Grande Prairie is a beautiful place, especially when you get the chance to go through their trails. There's one part where it goes behind or close enough to the lumber yard and the smell of lumber... it's refreshing. To smell nature instead of smog and all that other junk in the air is very worth it. I guess living near a big city like Toronto for most of my life and working in Toronto, I got so used to the polluted air and this is just so refreshing. Never knew I could enjoy clean air this much.

The only downside of it here is there aren't any fresh water lakes here. They have camping grounds but when people talk about camping here it's not the tent camping I'm used to, it's more of the hitching their trailers to their trucks camping. I've never been trailer camping and I'm sure it's fun but I love tent camping! So what if I don't have running water to shower... there's a lake to swim in and I'll be smelling like smoke anyways from being around the fire. I miss tent camping. I don't think I'll be doing much of that this year.

Anyways I'll blog later tonight after dinner. Tonight's menu is going to be chicken and shrimp risotto. So hopefully that will turn out yummy and I'll post some pictures too.

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