Sunday, April 18, 2010


So here is my RISOTTO!

Something's missing...

The green peas!

The shrimp pieces turned out pretty good on top

 Such a huge portion!

I have leftovers so whoever wants it better come and get it or it'll be my lunch tomorrow!

Feels Likes Summer

So I've been away from blogging for a bit. I've noticed how hard it is to blog every day. It's not like my days are uneventful... well sometimes they are but still have things to blog about. I guess I've been so tired after work I don't think about blogging, although it doesn't take that much of my time. I'll try to blog as frequent as I can.

So the weather has been just awesome last week and this weekend. Friday it was 20, Saturday it was 21 and today is 19. The sun is so bright, I love it! With all this beautiful weather I've been biking more and more after work. (I think I know why I don't blog as much, I get too tired after biking around for an hour.) Grande Prairie is a beautiful place, especially when you get the chance to go through their trails. There's one part where it goes behind or close enough to the lumber yard and the smell of lumber... it's refreshing. To smell nature instead of smog and all that other junk in the air is very worth it. I guess living near a big city like Toronto for most of my life and working in Toronto, I got so used to the polluted air and this is just so refreshing. Never knew I could enjoy clean air this much.

The only downside of it here is there aren't any fresh water lakes here. They have camping grounds but when people talk about camping here it's not the tent camping I'm used to, it's more of the hitching their trailers to their trucks camping. I've never been trailer camping and I'm sure it's fun but I love tent camping! So what if I don't have running water to shower... there's a lake to swim in and I'll be smelling like smoke anyways from being around the fire. I miss tent camping. I don't think I'll be doing much of that this year.

Anyways I'll blog later tonight after dinner. Tonight's menu is going to be chicken and shrimp risotto. So hopefully that will turn out yummy and I'll post some pictures too.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Why Isn't Monday A Holiday?

So I'm wondering why Easter Monday isn't a holiday everywhere! I mean they named the Monday for crying out loud. I was so not looking forward to waking up this morning and it was a struggle for sure. I didn't even do much at work either. It was such a slow morning with not much to do. Almost everyone took Monday off as vacation. Damn wish I had vacation days.

But on a good note... I got a raise! Good old union... good for something. Otherwise I think unions are stupid, especially those damn union dues... why do I have to pay union dues when I know I'm not going to use their services? And if they do go on strike, I'll be too lazy and probably won't agree with the strike to march on the lines... I rather not pay and keep my money.

Butler vs. Duke game's starting soon. I'd be happy with either team winning... so let the game begin!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Long Weekend! Part One

It's the start of a long weekend! Woohoo! It felt so good to turn over and turn off my alarm and go back to sleep this morning. I love long weekends.

I didn't sleep in too much, got up around 10 and had the whole day to do whatever. I was craving shawarma and found out that there is a shawarma place in Grande Prairie! Who would have thought?! I sure didn't. So I decided to check it out for lunch and head to Safeway to do some grocery shopping afterward. So I walked over to Tito's and ordered myself a chicken shawarma sandwich with a small mango smoothie. The shawarma wasn't what I expected... definitely not what I am used to getting back home in Toronto or even in Ottawa. By the way, Ottawa has THE best shawarmas. Go go Shawarma Palace if you get a chance to go to Ottawa!

So the shawarma sandwich I ordered was kind of a hybrid between a shawarma sandwich and a burrito. They didn't shave off the meat but has in a sauce... like a burrito but had the garlic sauce like a shawarma. All in all, it was very yummy and satisfying. I definitely miss shawarma back home but this will do until I reunite with yummy shawarmas back home. The mango smoothie was pretty good, although they could have blended it a little longer cause I had tiny pieces of ice still and it got stuck in my straw at one point and I lost all suction.

Apparently there is another shawarma place but I'm not sure where it is so I'll have to get some more info on it and try that one out.

After grocery shopping and getting myself through a crowd of people doing Easter dinner shopping, I made dinner. Boy, was it ever good! What did I cook you ask? I will show you!

Beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies (carrots, red onions and broccoli)

Cooking away

Mmmmm yum!

Final cooking in the oven

Clean kitchen + leftovers

What to cook next

So that was my dinner. Hope you enjoyed it cause it tasted like it looked, AWESOME! Haha What should I tackle next? I know I had one suggested to me on this blog so I will see what I can do. Let me know what other things I can cook up for you guys. I love any and all suggestions.

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