Monday, May 9, 2011

Holy Thunderstorm Batman!

I'm trying to think of how to start this entry to reflect the title "Holy Thunderstorm Batman!" Maybe it's cause my mind is half on this entry and half on the television screen. Currently watching "Income Property" on HGTV. I love this channel among other channels. I just wish it was in HD but what can you do... "suck it up princess" as one of my coworkers would say (well I guess she would be my immediate supervisor as shes the senior therapist).

So back to the title of this entry. During lunch today, a bunch of us were talking about the old Batman t.v. show movie, starring Adam West, came up and how hilarious it was. I'm pretty sure whoever the writer was for this show was high or under the influence.

Batman: The Movie... THE original Batman movie? No way! I must find this and watch it... and laugh my pants off! Or maybe I'll turn it off cause it's boring... we won't know until I track down this movie! My new mission: Find the Batman: The Movie and watch it! Do I dare accept it? Hell yeah!

Well that's how the title came to be that welcomed you to tonight's blog entry... plus Grande Prairie got hit by a massive hail/rain thunderstorm that lasted a whopping 5 minutes! (I have no idea how long it actually lasted).

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