Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good Eats!

No this entry isn't about anything that I've cooked or baked lately but instead about recipe ideas for this weekend. I realized I haven't been cooking lately, especially during the weekends when I cook the most. Maybe it's cause I've become lazy or fell into the comfort of eating out. Whatever it is, I've put cooking on the back burner (like my kitchen reference, "back burner"?).

So I write today, before I head off to ultimate (which I don't think will happen cause it's REALLY cloudy out) to see if anyone has any recipes they want to share with me. I know people out there read my blog so don't be scare to leave a comment. So what if you happened to just stumble on to my blog by mistake, things happen for a reason and maybe you have an awesome recipe you've been wanting to share with someone but never had the chance! Well now's the chance!. And if I like your recipe or in the likely case, I only have one recipe suggestion, I'll do my best to cook it that weekend and blog about the success or the failure. Just don't give me a recipe that require me to get wild boar or anything like that, although I'm sure wild boar tastes great!

I'm gonna go and see if I still want to go to ultimate tonight. We've started to play outdoors now so gotta be mindful of the weather. Plus I tweaked my left ankle at work today some how and now it's hurting. Boo-urns!

If I have time, I'll blog again tonight but if not... don't forget to leave your recipes down below in the comment section!

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