Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good Eats!

No this entry isn't about anything that I've cooked or baked lately but instead about recipe ideas for this weekend. I realized I haven't been cooking lately, especially during the weekends when I cook the most. Maybe it's cause I've become lazy or fell into the comfort of eating out. Whatever it is, I've put cooking on the back burner (like my kitchen reference, "back burner"?).

So I write today, before I head off to ultimate (which I don't think will happen cause it's REALLY cloudy out) to see if anyone has any recipes they want to share with me. I know people out there read my blog so don't be scare to leave a comment. So what if you happened to just stumble on to my blog by mistake, things happen for a reason and maybe you have an awesome recipe you've been wanting to share with someone but never had the chance! Well now's the chance!. And if I like your recipe or in the likely case, I only have one recipe suggestion, I'll do my best to cook it that weekend and blog about the success or the failure. Just don't give me a recipe that require me to get wild boar or anything like that, although I'm sure wild boar tastes great!

I'm gonna go and see if I still want to go to ultimate tonight. We've started to play outdoors now so gotta be mindful of the weather. Plus I tweaked my left ankle at work today some how and now it's hurting. Boo-urns!

If I have time, I'll blog again tonight but if not... don't forget to leave your recipes down below in the comment section!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Holy Thunderstorm Batman!

I'm trying to think of how to start this entry to reflect the title "Holy Thunderstorm Batman!" Maybe it's cause my mind is half on this entry and half on the television screen. Currently watching "Income Property" on HGTV. I love this channel among other channels. I just wish it was in HD but what can you do... "suck it up princess" as one of my coworkers would say (well I guess she would be my immediate supervisor as shes the senior therapist).

So back to the title of this entry. During lunch today, a bunch of us were talking about the old Batman t.v. show movie, starring Adam West, came up and how hilarious it was. I'm pretty sure whoever the writer was for this show was high or under the influence.

Batman: The Movie... THE original Batman movie? No way! I must find this and watch it... and laugh my pants off! Or maybe I'll turn it off cause it's boring... we won't know until I track down this movie! My new mission: Find the Batman: The Movie and watch it! Do I dare accept it? Hell yeah!

Well that's how the title came to be that welcomed you to tonight's blog entry... plus Grande Prairie got hit by a massive hail/rain thunderstorm that lasted a whopping 5 minutes! (I have no idea how long it actually lasted).

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What a Weekend!

Long time no blog! It's been awhile, huh? Anyone miss me? No? I didn't miss you guys either. Ok maybe I did a little bit... but don't tell anyone!

So it's been a pretty full weekend for me this weekend. Started off with volunteering with a Greenathon. Ran by the Rotary Club, picking up garbage around the city with Grade 5's and 6's. The day started really early but the morning sun and the crisp morning air was well worth it. It felt like waking up in the morning while camping. You unzip your tent and take in that first breath of fresh cool air and as you walk around under the morning sun listening to the birds singing, you just know it's going to be a good day.

The two kids that I was assigned to were pretty good. We each took gigantic industrial strength garbage bags and went to town... literally. We were responsible for cleaning up the area next to the railroads. Fortunately the railroads were on the other side of the fence, phew! Garbage bags filled up quickly and as I looked back to the area were we cleaning I was amazed by the difference from when we started. Who knew a dozen or so students and a bunch of adults could make such a difference in just couple of hours.

So that was Saturday.

Sunday morning... my body was playing payback. I knew bending over to pick up garbage for hours was going to have its side effects. No pain no game, right? After telling my body to get back into shape, I went to see a friend run her 8K run. I promised I'd take picture and a promise I kept. Not sure how good the pictures turned out though (I do know actually)... I thought they could've been better. Maybe I should take some photography classes but I digress. That was the morning and in the evening few of us went to see the final night of the Reel Shorts Film Festival (short films). It was the Best of the Festival night. I'm sure all the films were great but they played the top 7 films and they were all worthy of their nominations.

So now I sit here blogging while thinking of going to sleep. You know summer is here when the window is open but your apartment still feels warm making sleeping a pain in the arse. That would be the main reason why I just roll around in bed trying to get comfy, kicking my sheets with the fan circulates the warm air. Definitely not looking forward to it tonight! Oh and did I mention how DRY it is here?!

I better go since it'll probably take a good hour or two to get comfy enough to fall asleep.

Don't know when I'll be blogging again but until that time... peace!