Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stall 1, stall 2, stall 3

It's Wednesday! That only means one thing... ultimate frisbee! Didn't really feel like going today cause of the weather and the snow but it didn't snow as much as I thought it would. It was cold though! -20C without the wind. Here I thought winter was almost over but nope! Throw me a bone here... where's the sun so I can wear shorts, flip flops, go for bike rides, take pictures of nature without freezing my fingers off or go for walks to the store. That's what I get for living up in northern Alberta where it snows during the May long weekend! I know, right? Back in Ontario people go to the beach and go camping during May long weekend. Oh how different it is across the country.

So anyways I went off on a tangent. I made myself go to ultimate and it was so worth it. Note to self though, "don't eat so much dinner or eat after ultimate!" I thought I was going to die, stomach cramping, heavy breathing... oh the pain! It took me a good hour to get my second wind but by then it was almost game point for night for the other team. Crap! I'll definitely have to eat little, maybe just a snack and eat afterward and see how I feel during ultimate.

It was a good turn out tonight. If anyone in Grande Prairie, Alberta wants to try ultimate frisbee come to the Leisure Centre on Wednesdays at 8:30PM. I know its late but it's worth it, I promise! So see you next week at 8:30PM. Bring a white and dark shirt and lots of water cause you'll need it.

Time to hit the sack soon! I am exhausted!

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