Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stall 1, stall 2, stall 3

It's Wednesday! That only means one thing... ultimate frisbee! Didn't really feel like going today cause of the weather and the snow but it didn't snow as much as I thought it would. It was cold though! -20C without the wind. Here I thought winter was almost over but nope! Throw me a bone here... where's the sun so I can wear shorts, flip flops, go for bike rides, take pictures of nature without freezing my fingers off or go for walks to the store. That's what I get for living up in northern Alberta where it snows during the May long weekend! I know, right? Back in Ontario people go to the beach and go camping during May long weekend. Oh how different it is across the country.

So anyways I went off on a tangent. I made myself go to ultimate and it was so worth it. Note to self though, "don't eat so much dinner or eat after ultimate!" I thought I was going to die, stomach cramping, heavy breathing... oh the pain! It took me a good hour to get my second wind but by then it was almost game point for night for the other team. Crap! I'll definitely have to eat little, maybe just a snack and eat afterward and see how I feel during ultimate.

It was a good turn out tonight. If anyone in Grande Prairie, Alberta wants to try ultimate frisbee come to the Leisure Centre on Wednesdays at 8:30PM. I know its late but it's worth it, I promise! So see you next week at 8:30PM. Bring a white and dark shirt and lots of water cause you'll need it.

Time to hit the sack soon! I am exhausted!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello March!

As I'm trying to write today's blog my eyes are slowly closing. Maybe I shouldn't start blogging so late at night. Maybe I'll try blogging earlier tomorrow. Tune in tomorrow!

To give an update from yesterday's blog entry, the Cree resident who passed away and had their body kept at the facility for family and friends to come and view (Cree tradition/ritual) for mourning wasn't there today. I guess the family took the body back to the reserve? I'm not sure and I didn't want to inquire about it at work. And lets just say with the unit back to normal with normal amount of odd behaviours. Yes there are still odd behaviours that I see on a daily basis. Works keeps me busy with all the "things" going on around me. If you were a fly on the wall... you would have a blast! Just bring the popcorn and drinks cause you will be thoroughly entertained. I do not kid when I say entertained.

Ok my eyes are about to say "heck with this, its time to rest!" so I better get going before my brain shuts down too and I start to write things that don't make any sense at all. That would be one funny blog entry.

Tune in tomorrow folks.

p.s. - I'm not going to edit this entry so excuse me if there are spelling mistakes and/or grammar mistakes.